Unsafe Tug and Barge Ladders and Stairs

Ladders and stairs are commonly used on tugs and barges to access various decks on the vessel or equipment. Our award-winning tug and barge lawyers have over 65 years of combined experience in ladder and stairway injuries on tugs and barges. Tug and barge ladders and stairs may be unsafe due to a variety of conditions, including unsafe design, slippery substances, or inadequate non-skid.
Design regulations that apply to tugs and barges (ASTM F-1166-07) require that the space between ladder rungs and stairs be uniform. Injuries to tug and barge crews can occur when ladders or stairs are not properly designed or are put into place by non-design personnel that are unfamiliar with the ladder and stair standards. For example, the rung thickness of a fixed vertical ladder must be at least one-inch and the rungs must be at least 11 inches apart but not more than 12 inches apart. The clearance from the back of the ladder to the bulkhead must be at least 7 inches to allow the seaman’s foot to fit onto the ladder rung. The ladder must have a stringer at the top of the ladder that is at least 42 inches above the landing to allow the seaman to pull up onto the landing. All these standards are designed to make the tug and barge workplace safer and to prevent injuries.
What Should You Do After An Injury on A Tug or Barge Ladder or Stairway?
Following an injury on a stairway or ladder, our maritime injury lawyers will consult with design experts and we will look carefully at the design of the stairs or ladders to see if they comply with industry design standards. If you are injured on a ladder or stairway, it is important that you obtain prompt medical attention for your injuries and fill out an accident report with your employer. In filling out the accident report, make note of any problems or irregularities with the ladder or stairway. Was there a foreign substance like oil on the ladder or stairway? Were the treads of the stairway non-uniform? Was there a handrail? How high was the handrail from the walking surface? Did anything obstruct the stairway or ladder? Were there any overhead clearance issues that caused you to strike your head? If possible, take photographs of the stairway or ladder and obtain the contact information for any witnesses to the incident. Injuries on stairs and ladders on tugs can be complex and require experienced maritime injury lawyers.
Experienced Tug and Barge Ladder and Stair Injury Attorneys
Our award-winning tug and barge injury lawyers have decades of experience in handling claims against some of the largest tug companies in the world following serious injuries on ladders and stairways. While non-maritime attorneys may not understand tug and barge industry standards, our lawyers have the experience to understand when safety rules designed to prevent injuries have been violated by the tug and barge company. Let us put our experience to work for you. We offer a free evaluation of your claim at our offices in Seattle, at your home, or by telephone. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.