Tugboat and Barge Jones Act Attorneys
Seattle Tugboat and Barge Jones Act Attorneys

Under the Jones Act, tug and barge employees working in Puget Sound, the Columbia River, Alaska, and anywhere in the world for U.S. tug employers have the right to bring a claim for injury compensation following an injury caused by an unsafe condition or practice on the tug or barge. Originally passed in 1920 as the Merchant Marine Act, the federal statute was designed to encourage and build up maritime commerce in the United States. It gave tug and barge workers and other seamen the right to bring a cause of action against their employers in the event of an injury caused by the negligence of the vessel employer, co-workers, or an unsafe condition or practice on the tug and barge.
With more than 65 years of combined experience, our tug and barge injury attorneys work hard to protect the rights of injured tug and barge workers. We have represented captains, deckhands, chief engineers, cooks, and other seamen against some of the largest tug companies in the Pacific Northwest, including Foss Maritime Company, Crowley Maritime Company, Island Tug & Barge, Dunlap Towing, Olympic Tug & Barge, and many others.
Compensation for Injured Tug and Barge Workers Under the Jones Act
Because seaman are not covered by state workers’ compensation laws, the federal Jones Act provides a remedy for injured seamen and maritime workers. Under the Jones Act, an injured seaman may recover damages for medical expenses, future medical expenses, lost wages, loss of earning potential or capacity, economic losses, pain and suffering, disfigurement, disability, and other damages that flow from the injury.
However, unlike workers’ compensation statutes under state law, a seaman must demonstrate fault to make a recovery under the Jones Act. Under the general maritime law, a seaman does not have to prove fault, but must prove the vessel was not reasonably fit for its intended use. Our lawyers have decades of experience in handling maritime personal injury claims and are familiar with industry standards and regulations that govern maritime work. When an injury occurs, we carefully analyze the facts of the incident and consult with marine liability experts with specialized knowledge when necessary. Because we regularly handle maritime injury claims, we understand the issues and know the best experts in the field when expert testimony is required.
By consulting with nationally recognized experts, our lawyers work hard to present your case. For instance, vocational experts and economists may assist our firm in making a calculation of your economic loss after a maritime injury. A vocational expert may assist in determining your vocational options after an injury if you are unable to return to your former employment. Vocational experts and economists help our law firm arrive at well-supported dollar amounts that we believe our clients are entitled to from owners of tugboats and tugboat operations. With their guidance, our attorneys take into account anticipated future raises and promotions that a worker would have been likely to receive had the accidental injury not occurred. Fringe benefits for maritime workers can be significant because a significant portion of a seamen’s compensation may come in the form of fringe benefits. Properly calculating these lost benefits can add thousands of dollars to your final settlement or verdict.
Free Case Evaluation – 206.624.8844
If you have questions about your right to compensation under the Jones Act following an injury on a tug boat or barge, contact one of our experienced maritime injury lawyers for a free case evaluation of your claim. We will discuss your claim over the telephone or in-person at our offices or your home. Let us know what we can do to help.