Clipper Seafoods Maritime Injury Claims

Clipper Seafoods is a leading company in the freezer longline sector. The commercial fishing company is based in Seattle and operates six vessels in the Bering Sea.

  • Frontier Spirit (41 meters)
  • Frontier Mariner (41 meters)
  • Frontier Explorer (41 meters)
  • Clipper Epic (52 meters)
  • Clipper Surprise (39 meters)
  • Clipper Endeavor (39 meters)

The freezer longliners harvest approximately 22,000 megatons of Alaska Cods annually.

Working onboard a Clipper Seafoods vessel can be challenging and dangerous. Harsh weather and working conditions can lead to accidents and injuries. Because of the dangers of working as a commercial fisherman, seamen have special rights and greater protections under the law. The three primary avenues of recovery for seamen are: 1) maintenance and cure, 2) the doctrine of unseaworthiness, and 3) the Jones Act. The compensation that you are entitled to depends on the unique facts and circumstances of your case.

Clipper Seafoods must pay maintenance and cure to workers who suffer an injury while working on one of their vessels. Injured workers are entitled to maintenance and cure no matter who caused their injury. Maintenance refers to day-to-day living expenses, such as rent, utilities, and food. Cure refers to reasonable and necessary medical expenses. The employer must make these payments until the seaman fully recovers or until no further treatment will help aid recovery. If Clipper Seafoods wrongfully denies maintenance and cure benefits, you may be entitled to attorney’s fees, compensatory damages, and punitive damages.

The doctrine of unseaworthiness requires a vessel owner to provide its crew with a seaworthy vessel. Seaworthy does not only mean that the vessel stays afloat. It means that the vessel, its equipment, and crew are reasonably fit for their intended use. The vessel must be in working order, all outdated or defective equipment must be replaced, and the crew must be qualified and properly trained. Vessel owners are liable for injuries caused by unseaworthiness. The injured seaman does not need to prove negligence on the part of Clipper Seafoods to recover.

The Jones Act is a federal statute that allows seamen to sue negligent employers for injuries sustained while working on a vessel. Clipper Seafoods must provide its employees with a reasonably safe work environment. A few examples of negligence under the Jones Act include:

  • Improperly maintained equipment,
  • Inadequate training,
  • Lack of proper equipment,
  • Requiring excessive overtime,
  • Failure to make appropriate inspections,
  • Unsafe storage of cargo, and
  • Failure to establish safe work practices.

Under the Jones Act, Clipper Seafoods is also responsible for the negligence of other employees and supervisors. An experienced maritime attorney will conduct a careful investigation to determine whether your employer was negligent.

Kraft Davies Olsson PLLC is a nationally recognized leader in maritime personal injury law. Kraft Davies has significant experience representing injured seamen against Clipper Seafoods. We understand the fishing industry and know how to get you the compensation that you deserve. If you or a loved one were injured in a commercial fishing or shipping accident, contact the attorneys at Kraft Davies today at 206-624-8844 or through this website.

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