Port & Pier Injuries
Port & Pier Injuries in Washington and Alaska

The ports of Seattle and Tacoma are well-established as major entry and exit points for cargo and freighter traffic from around the Pacific Rim. Unfortunately, with the large volume of cargo traffic, unsafe work practices can lead to injuries to longshore workers, harbor workers, truck drivers, or other maritime employees working in the port, on the dock, pier, or while unloading or loading ships. When safe work rules are not followed or equipment is defective or fails, needless injuries can occur and lives changed forever. Our lawyers are proud to have represented the hard-working men and women employed at Washington and Alaska ports, piers, and docks for decades.
Third-Party Cases in Washington and Alaska Ports
Our lawyers have more than 65 years of maritime injury experience helping injured maritime and longshore workers recover damages for injuries caused by the negligence of third-parties. A third party is any person or company that does not work for the same employer as the injured worker. When another company or the employee of another company causes your injury, you may be able to collect damages beyond what is available under the Longshore Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act. Unlike workers’ compensation claims, an injured longshore or maritime worker can collect damages for pain and disability caused by the negligence of a third party and other damages that are not available under traditional workers’ compensation. You may also have a third-party case if a defective product caused your injury.
For instance, our lawyers have represented truck drivers injured while cargo was being offloaded from trucks, collisions between heavy equipment operators at the ports, injuries while offloading or loading ships, injuries from collapsed cargo, injuries caused by defective equipment and cranes, or other unsafe conditions caused by third parties. Let us put our expertise in port and pier injuries to work for you. If you are not sure if your injury was caused by the negligence of a third party, contact us today for a free case evaluation and we will help you determine whether you have a third party case that may qualify you for compensation.
Claims Against Vessel Owners Under Section 905(b)
Injured longshore and harbor workers may also elect to seek damages against a vessel owner when the negligence of the vessel operator causes their injury. The standards for making a recovery against a vessel owner for negligence differ substantially from other negligence cases and demand a lawyer with experience in Section 905(b) cases.
For decades, our lawyers have assisted injured longshore and harbor workers with Section 905(b) claims against vessel owners in this complex and changing area of the law. When looking into these claims, it is important to understand whether the vessel owner turned over the vessel to the longshore or harbor workers’ company or whether the vessel owner retained control over the vessel or parts of the vessel during operations. A vessel owner also has a duty to warn of hazards known to the vessel owner that would not be apparent to the longshore or harbor worker when coming on board the vessel. Moreover, if the vessel owner had an active role in the operations underway, the vessel owner can be liable for the negligence of the vessel owner’s employees involved in active operations. Because these cases are complex and are fact-specific, we offer a free initial consultation to discuss the facts of your case and help you determine if you wish to pursue compensation for your injury.
Longshore Unions
Our lawyers are proud of our history representing longshore workers from ILWU Local 19 in Seattle, ILWU Local 23 in Tacoma, and other longshore and harbor workers’ union members throughout Washington and Alaska.
Free Case Evaluation
Our lawyers offer a free initial consultation for injured longshore workers, harbor workers, truck drivers injured at the port, or other maritime workers injured at ports and piers in Washington and Alaska. Contact us today to take advance of a free consultation without obligation.